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College/Career Levels and Measures Report & Data - 2020


America's Finest Charter (San Diego, CA)

San Diego Unified

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The College/Career Indicator (CCI) is based on the students in the graduation rate. For comprehensive high schools, the combined graduation rate (i.e., current four-year graduation cohort plus fifth year graduates from prior cohort) is used. For Dashboard Alternative School Status (DASS) schools, the DASS grade 12 graduation rate is used. The CCI includes both college and career measures to evaluate how well districts and schools are preparing students for success after high school. (Note: For LEAs serving both comprehensive and DASS high schools, their CCI is based on both the combined graduation rate and DASS graduation rate.)

This report displays the number and percent of graduates who met each of the measures in the CCI Prepared and Approaching Prepared Levels. Students can meet more than one measure in each CCI level. As a result, the tables contain duplicative counts.

More information on the CCI measures is provided in the Dashboard Technical Guide located on the California School Dashboard and System of Support Web page.

The following symbols are used throughout this report:

  • A double dash (--) is used when a student group is not represented in the graduation cohort (i.e., the denominator of the student group is zero).
  • A zero (0) is used when there are no students in the numerator of the calculated percentage.
  • An asterisk (*) indicates that the student group consists of 1-10 students which is below the minimum size for any reporting.

Students in the Combined Cohort or DASS Graduation Rate by Student Group

CohortAll StudentsAfrican AmericanAmerican IndianAsianFilipinoHispanicPacific IslanderWhiteTwo or More RacesEnglish LearnersSocioeconomically DisadvantagedStudents with DisabilitiesFoster StudentsHomeless Students
Cohort Totals124--1--5--2--6126--3

Percentage of Students by CCI Level for each Student Group

CCI LevelAll StudentsAfrican AmericanAmerican IndianAsianFilipinoHispanicPacific IslanderWhiteTwo or More RacesEnglish LearnersSocioeconomically DisadvantagedStudents with DisabilitiesFoster StudentsHomeless Students
Percentage Prepared16.7%*--*--*--*--*16.7%*--*
Percentage Approaching Prepared8.3%*--*--*--*--*8.3%*--*
Percentage Not Prepared75.0%*--*--*--*--*75.0%*--*
The combined cohort and/or DASS graduation rate is used as the denominator to calculate the percentages.

Number and Percent of Prepared Students In the Cohort by Race/Ethnicity and Program Participation

Student Group - PreparedPercent Prepared# Students Prepared
All Prepared Students100.0%2
African American**
American Indian or Alaska Native----
Two or More Races----
Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander----
English Learners**
Socioeconomically Disadvantaged100.0%2
Students with Disabilities**
Foster Youth----
Pie Chart of Percent of Prepared English Learners Pie Chart of Percent Prepared for Socio-economically Disadvantaged Students Pie Chart of Percent Prepared for Students with Disabilities Pie Chart of Percent Prepared for Foster Youth Pie Chart of Percent Prepared for Homeless
The total number of prepared students is used as the denominator to calculate the percentages in the above table and graphs.

How Students Met Prepared

The table below displays the number and percent of students assigned to Prepared Levels for each CCI measure by student group. The four shades (or levels) represent four percentile ranges (as shown in the legend below) to help identify which measures have a high percentage (darker shade) or low percentage (lighter shade) of students meeting the criteria. Students can meet more than one measure. As a result, the tables contain duplicative counts.

Met via Career Technical Education Pathway Completion

Career Technical Education (CTE) pathway completion with a C- or better in the capstone course plus one of the following criteria:
  • Smarter Balanced Summative Assessments: At least a level 3 “Standard Met” on English language arts (ELA) or mathematics and at least a level 2 “Standard Nearly Met” on the other subject area.
  • One semester, two quarters, or two trimesters of college coursework with grade C- or better in academic/CTE subjects where college credit is awarded.
    • Note: If the CTE capstone course and CTE college credit course are completed in the SAME YEAR, they must be in DIFFERENT CTE Pathways for the CTE college credit course to count toward Prepared. If the CTE capstone course and the CTE college credit course are completed in DIFFERENT YEARS, they may be in the SAME CTE Pathways for the CTE college credit course to count toward Prepared.

Met via Smarter Balanced Assessment

At least a Level 3 "Standard Met" on the Smarter Balanced Summative Assessments for both ELA and Mathematics.

Met via College Credit Course

Completion of two semesters, three quarters, or three trimesters of college coursework with a grade of C- or better in academic/CTE subjects where college credit is awarded.

Met via Advanced Placement

A score of 3 or higher on two Advanced Placement (AP) Exams.

Met via International Baccalaureate

A score of 4 or higher on two International Baccalaureate (IB) Exams.

Met via a-g Completion

Completion of courses that meet the University of California (UC) or California State University (CSU) a–g criteria with a grade of C or better, plus one of the following criteria:
  • CTE pathway completion with a C- or better in the capstone course
  • Smarter Balanced Summative Assessments: At least a level 3 “Standard Met” on ELA or Mathematics and at least a level 2 “Standard Nearly Met” on the other subject area.
  • One semester, two quarters, or two trimesters of college coursework with a grade of C- or better in academic/CTE subjects where college credit is awarded.
  • A score of 3 or higher on one AP exam or a score of 4 or higher on one IB exam.

Met via State Seal of Biliteracy

Earned the State Seal of Biliteracy and scored level 3 "Standard Met" or higher on the ELA Smarter Balanced Summative Assessment.

Met via Leadership/Military Science

Completed at least two years of Leadership/Military Science and Scored level 3 “Standard Met” or higher on ELA or Mathematics and at least a level 2 “Standard Nearly Met” in the other subject area.

Met via Registered Pre-Apprenticeship

Completed a registered pre-apprenticeship.

Met via Non-Registered Pre-Apprenticeship

Completed a non-registered pre-apprenticeship and at least one CTE pathway with a C- or better in the capstone course.

Met via Non-Registered Pre-Apprenticeship (DASS only, not displayed for non-DASS schoools)

Completed a non-registered pre-apprenticeship plus one of the following criteria:
  • At least one CTE pathway with a C- or better in the capstone course
  • One semester, two quarters, or two trimesters of a CTE course with a C- or better

Met via State or Federal Job Program (DASS only, not displayed for non-DASS schools)

Completed a state or federal job program and at least one semester, two quarters, or two trimesters of a CTE course with a C- or better. State or federal job programs include: Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA), Job Corp, YouthBuild, California Conservation Corps (CCC), and Regional Occupational Centers and Programs (ROCP).

Met via Transition Classwork and Work-Based Learning Experiences

Completed at least 100 hours of work-based learning AND the equivalent of four semester courses of college and career exploration/preparation designed to prepare a student for employment and independent living.
  • Note: This measure is only for students with an individualized education program (IEP) who do not earn a standard high school diploma.
Percent Prepared
(0.1% - 25.0%)
(25.1% - 50.0%)
(50.1% - 75.0%)
(75.1% - 100%)
MeasureAll StudentsAfrican AmericanAmerican IndianAsianFilipinoHispanicPacific IslanderWhiteTwo or More RacesEnglish LearnersSocioeconomically DisadvantagedStudents with DisabilitiesFoster StudentsHomeless Students
CTE Pathway Completion


Smarter Balanced Assessment


College Credit Course


Advanced Placement


International Baccalaureate


a-g Completion


State Seal of Biliteracy


Leadership/Military Science


Registered Pre-Apprenticeship


Non-Registered Pre-Apprenticeship


Transition Classwork and Work-Based Learning Experiences



To calculate the percentages, the total number of prepared students in each student group is used as the denominator (e.g., total number of English learners who met the CTE criteria divided by the total number of English learners who are prepared).

Number and Percent of Approaching Prepared Students in the Cohort by Race/Ethnicity and Program Participation

Student Group - Approaching PreparedPercent Approaching Prepared# Students Approaching Prepared
All Approaching Prepared Students100.0%1
African American**
American Indian or Alaska Native----
Two or More Races----
Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander----
English Learners**
Socioeconomically Disadvantaged100.0%1
Students with Disabilities**
Foster Youth----
Pie Chart of Percent of Approaching Prepared English Learners Pie Chart of Percent Approaching Prepared for Socio-economically Disadvantaged Students Pie Chart of Percent Approaching Prepared for Students with Disabilities Pie Chart of Percent Approaching Prepared for Foster Youth Pie Chart of Percent Approaching Prepared for Homeless
The total number of approaching prepared students is used as the denominator to calculate the percentages in the above table and graphs.

How Students Met Approaching Prepared

The table below displays the number and percent of students assigned to Approaching Prepared Levels for each CCI measure by student group. The four shades (or levels) represent four percentile ranges (as shown in the legend below) to help identify which measures have a high percentage (darker shade) or low percentage (lighter shade) of students meeting the criteria. Students can meet more than one measure. As a result, the tables contain duplicative counts.

Met via Career Technical Education Pathway Completion

Career Technical Education (CTE) pathway completion with a C- or better in the capstone course.

Met via Smarter Balanced Assessment

Scored at least level 2 "Standard Nearly Met" on both the English language arts (ELA) and Mathematics Smarter Balanced Summative Assessments.

Met via College Credit Course

Completion of one semester, two quarters, or two trimesters of college coursework with a grade of C- or better in academic/CTE subjects where college credit is awarded.

Met via a-g Completion

Completion of courses that meet the University of California (UC) or California State University (CSU) a-g criteria with a C or better.

Met via Leadership/Military Science

Completion of at least two years of Leadership/Military Science.

Met via Non-Registered Pre-Apprenticeship

Completed a non-registered pre-apprenticeship.

Met via State or Federal Job Program (DASS only, not displayed for non-DASS schools)

Completed a state or federal job program. State or federal job programs include: Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA), Job Corp, YouthBuild, California Conservation Corps (CCC), and Regional Occupational Centers and Programs (ROCP).

Met via Transition Classwork or Work-Based Learning Experiences

Completed at least 100 hours of work-based learning OR the equivalent of four semester courses of college and career exploration/preparation designed to prepare a student for employment and independent living.
  • Note: This measure is only for students with an individualized education program (IEP) who do not earn a standard high school diploma.
Percent Approaching Prepared
(0.1% - 25.0%)
(25.1% - 50.0%)
(50.1% - 75.0%)
(75.1% - 100%)
MeasureAll StudentsAfrican AmericanAmerican IndianAsianFilipinoHispanicPacific IslanderWhiteTwo or More RacesEnglish LearnersSocioeconomically DisadvantagedStudents with DisabilitiesFoster StudentsHomeless Students
CTE Pathway Completion


Smarter Balanced Assessment


College Credit Course


a-g Completion


Leadership/Military Science


Non-Registered Pre-Apprenticeship


Transition Classwork or Work-Based Learning Experiences


To calculate the percentages, the total number of approaching prepared students in each student group is used as the denominator (e.g., total number of English learners who met the CTE criteria divided by the total number of English learners who are approaching prepared).

Number and Percent of Not Prepared Students In the Cohort by Race/Ethnicity and Program Participation

Student Group - Not PreparedPercent Not Prepared# Students Not Prepared
All Not Prepared Students100.0%9
African American**
American Indian or Alaska Native----
Two or More Races----
Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander----
English Learners**
Socioeconomically Disadvantaged100.0%9
Students with Disabilities**
Foster Youth----
Pie Chart of Percent of English Learners - Not Prepared Pie Chart of Socio-economically Disadvantaged Students - Not Prepared Pie Chart of Students with Disabilities - Not Prepared Pie Chart of Foster Youth - Not Prepared Pie Chart of Homeless Students - No Prepared
The total number of not prepared students is used as the denominator to calculate the percentages in the above table and graphs.