Met via Career Technical Education Pathway Completion
Career Technical Education (CTE) pathway completion with a C- or better in the capstone course plus one of the following criteria:
- Smarter Balanced Summative Assessments: At least a level 3 “Standard Met” on English language arts (ELA) or mathematics and at least a level 2 “Standard Nearly Met” on the other subject area.
- One semester, two quarters, or two trimesters of college coursework with grade C- or better in academic/CTE subjects where college credit is awarded.
- Note: If the CTE capstone course and CTE college credit course are completed in the SAME YEAR, they must be in DIFFERENT CTE Pathways for the CTE college credit course to count toward Prepared. If the CTE capstone course and the CTE college credit course are completed in DIFFERENT YEARS, they may be in the SAME CTE Pathways for the CTE college credit course to count toward Prepared.
Met via Smarter Balanced Assessment
At least a Level 3 "Standard Met" on the Smarter Balanced Summative Assessments for both ELA and Mathematics.
Met via College Credit Course
Completion of two semesters, three quarters, or three trimesters of college coursework with a grade of C- or better in academic/CTE subjects where college credit is awarded.
Met via Advanced Placement
A score of 3 or higher on two Advanced Placement (AP) Exams.
Met via International Baccalaureate
A score of 4 or higher on two International Baccalaureate (IB) Exams.
Met via a-g Completion
Completion of courses that meet the University of California (UC) or California State University (CSU) a–g criteria with a grade of C or better, plus one of the following criteria:
- CTE pathway completion with a C- or better in the capstone course
- Smarter Balanced Summative Assessments: At least a level 3 “Standard Met” on ELA or Mathematics and at least a level 2 “Standard Nearly Met” on the other subject area.
- One semester, two quarters, or two trimesters of college coursework with a grade of C- or better in academic/CTE subjects where college credit is awarded.
- A score of 3 or higher on one AP exam or a score of 4 or higher on one IB exam.
Met via State Seal of Biliteracy
Earned the State Seal of Biliteracy and scored level 3 "Standard Met" or higher on the ELA Smarter Balanced Summative Assessment.
Met via Leadership/Military Science
Completed at least two years of Leadership/Military Science and Scored level 3 “Standard Met” or higher on ELA or Mathematics and at least a level 2 “Standard Nearly Met” in the other subject area.
Met via Registered Pre-Apprenticeship
Completed a registered pre-apprenticeship.
Met via Non-Registered Pre-Apprenticeship
Completed a non-registered pre-apprenticeship and at least one CTE pathway with a C- or better in the capstone course.
Met via Non-Registered Pre-Apprenticeship (DASS only, not displayed for non-DASS schools)
Completed a non-registered pre-apprenticeship plus one of the following criteria:
- At least one CTE pathway with a C- or better in the capstone course
- One semester, two quarters, or two trimesters of a CTE course with a C- or better
Met via State or Federal Job Program (DASS only, not displayed for non-DASS schools)
Completed a state or federal job program and at least one semester, two quarters, or two trimesters of a CTE course with a C- or better. State or federal job programs include: Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA), Job Corp, YouthBuild, California Conservation Corps (CCC), and Regional Occupational Centers and Programs (ROCP).
Met via Transition Classwork and Work-Based Learning Experiences
Completed at least 100 hours of work-based learning
AND the equivalent of four semester courses of college and career exploration/preparation designed to prepare a student for employment and independent living.
- Note: This measure is only for students with an individualized education program (IEP) who do not earn a standard high school diploma.