Student Group | Type | Color | Status Level | Change Level | Current Suspension Rate | Current Number of Students Suspended | Current Number of Students Enrolled | Prior Suspension Rate | Prior Number of Students Suspended | Prior Number of Students Enrolled | Difference Between Current and Prior Rate | Denominator < 150 : 3x5 Grid Applied | Current Certify Flag ** | Prior Certify Flag ** |
All Students | UD | Orange | Medium | Increased | 3.5% | 212,681 | 6,019,472 | 3.1% | 189,079 | 6,066,021 | 0.4 | N | N | N |
English Learners | UD | Orange | Medium | Increased | 3.7% | 44,852 | 1,210,425 | 3.2% | 38,760 | 1,216,311 | 0.5 | N | N | N |
Foster Youth | UD | Red | Very High | Increased | 13.6% | 5,706 | 41,901 | 12.4% | 5,373 | 43,194 | 1.2 | N | N | N |
Homeless | UD | Orange | High | Increased | 6.5% | 15,899 | 246,480 | 5.5% | 12,278 | 224,199 | 1.0 | N | N | N |
Socioeconomically Disadvantaged | UD | Orange | Medium | Increased | 4.5% | 171,622 | 3,792,885 | 4.0% | 149,572 | 3,761,917 | 0.5 | N | N | N |
Students with Disabilities | UD | Orange | High | Increased | 5.9% | 51,719 | 874,795 | 5.4% | 46,070 | 847,770 | 0.5 | N | N | N |
African American | UD | Red | Very High | Increased | 8.8% | 27,038 | 308,426 | 7.9% | 24,887 | 315,483 | 0.9 | N | N | N |
American Indian or Alaska Native | UD | Orange | High | Increased | 7.4% | 1,995 | 26,981 | 6.4% | 1,787 | 27,969 | 1.0 | N | N | N |
Asian | UD | Green | Low | Maintained | 1.1% | 6,162 | 582,802 | 0.9% | 5,181 | 577,174 | 0.2 | N | N | N |
Filipino | UD | Green | Low | Maintained | 1.3% | 1,767 | 134,975 | 1.2% | 1,651 | 138,991 | 0.1 | N | N | N |
Hispanic | UD | Orange | Medium | Increased | 3.8% | 128,041 | 3,375,948 | 3.3% | 111,447 | 3,385,006 | 0.5 | N | N | N |
Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander | UD | Orange | High | Increased | 4.9% | 1,256 | 25,508 | 4.5% | 1,179 | 25,929 | 0.4 | N | N | N |
White | UD | Yellow | Medium | Maintained | 2.9% | 35,558 | 1,235,033 | 2.6% | 33,517 | 1,272,253 | 0.2 | N | N | N |
Two or More Races | UD | Orange | Medium | Increased | 3.3% | 10,864 | 329,799 | 2.9% | 9,430 | 323,229 | 0.4 | N | N | N |